Prepare Your Kid for Smart Financial Future

July 2, 2018 Michael Bordenaro


Every parent only wants the best for their kids right?  Who can blame them.  After years of raising your child and making sure they learn the most important things in life, its natural to want to see your children succeed in life.  But one thing that most kids are never taught, is how money works.  Sure they are curious and have questions about it or maybe they receive an allowance, but thats about as far as it goes most of the time!  Now is the time to prepare your kid for a smart financial future!

School doesn’t teach them anything important about money besides how to count it!  And sadly parents themselves usually don’t know as much about money as they should.  The sooner any child can learn about money, the better and more stable future they have ahead of them.  A great way for kids to learn about money is through reading.  Enter, Rich Kid Smart Kid by Robert Kiyosaki.  The famous author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has an excellent book geared towards children, written in a way kids can easily comprehend.  This is a great start for any kid that likes money, is interested in it or wants to have it!  Use the link below to find this excellent book on Amazon today!  Parents, I am interested in your feedback.  Please comment below and what kind of results you have seen from your child learning to have a smart financial future.